Many people would consider moving to a place without a job to be a very risky move. Moving to a new place with no job can be difficult. There are several key things that you need to know if you plan to move to Austin before you’ve found employment.
The Job Market is Strong
Austin is one of the best places to be if you’re a job seeker. It currently ranks number 4 on the list of best places for a job. The Austin unemployment rate is currently around 2.7 percent. This is lower than the national average. Not only is the unemployment rate low, but Austin is also home to some of the highest-paying jobs in the country.

Diverse Range of Employers
Regardless of the type of industry you are interested in working in, you will likely be able to find something that interests you in Austin. Healthcare, technology, business, entertainment, and government are some of the most popular industries in the city. The workforce in Austin is also younger than the national average.
While many college students relocate after they graduate, students who attend college in Austin often opt to stay in the area after graduation. The thriving job market is one of the many reasons that many college graduates stay in the area.
How To Find A Job in Austin
Jobs are plentiful in Austin, but finding one will require work on your part. You can find job listings online. Many job websites make it easy to apply once you upload your resume. However, you should not apply for a job unless you are qualified for it. Only 20 percent of job positions are filled using an online job posting.
It is also a good idea to network with people. In some cases, people get jobs even if there was another person more qualified than them just because they know someone who works for the company. In fact, you are five times more likely to be hired if you know someone who works for the company. Contrary to popular belief, you can network without attending an event with hundreds of people.
Networking is simply staying in touch with people you know as well as going out and meeting new people. Try to connect with people who work in the field that you are interested in working in.
Use Social Media
Social media can make or break you. Many qualified people are passed over for a job because they put something unflattering on social media. That is why you will need to be careful about what you post. You can also look for jobs on social media. Many employers will post jobs on websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.